Friday, June 1, 2007



A sight that leaves young men jittering
Slick moves with scaly skin glittering
Sneaking in glibly meandering course
Belly on the ground by the curse

The serpent has become coarser
Than she was in yon ole garden
Before the soil had to harden
Hissing at all things with complaints

With displeasure at the Sun’s scorch
Moving away from hunters’ torch
Venomous tongue darting deceit
A poison to the heart and ears

As you give heed to her complaints
As you listen to her gossips
Rubbing off on you like poison
Fiddling your ratiocination

Like white piece of clothes in black ink
Affecting the way that you think
Your sense of judgment is shrouded
Thinking being clouded and crowded

Sentiment and bias take their place
Pass judgment by look on the face
She’s a pois’nous snake to the mind
Rebuke her ere leaving her b’hind

Don’t make room for her idle words
Which are especially for turds
Before yon mischief she’ll make
Looking yon dream turn a fake

Kill her kill yon ole snake
Please do for future’s sake
Don’t follow Eve’s mistake
Don’t e’en let her tail shake

winteric2005 for eric winter okhuakhua 12/17/2004

1 comment:

winteric said...

lovely peom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11